F2BLib — Function to Bytecode Library

Language Java Build Gradle License EPL v2.0 Version 1.1.0
Travis CI SonarQube Javadocs


Parse mathematical function expressions, convert them to Java bytecode, and evaluate them very quickly.


F2BLib – Function to Bytecode Library – defines a Grammar for real-valued mathematical function expressions. It parses an input source using Antlr4 and converts the resulting abstract syntax tree (AST) to Java bytecode using ASM. The functions can then be evaluated very fast.

Example of an abstract syntax tree:

Example of an Abstract Syntax Tree

By real-valued mathematical functions we mean mappings of the form

Getting Started

Suppose you want to evaluate a real-valued function with two variables and two parameters:

Introduce the dependency


with the correct version of F2BLib you want to use into your Gradle build.gradle.

Then define a function like in

private static final String FUNCTION = "function some.packagename.SomeClassName;" +
                                       "begin" +
                                       "    f_1 := p_1 * sin(x_1) + x_2;" +
                                       "    f_2 := ln(p_2) + exp(x_2);" +

and obtain a reference to the Function Evaluation Kernel and load the function into the kernel:

FunctionEvaluationKernel kernel = new FunctionEvaluationFactory().get().create();

Now you can start evaluating the function:

double[] x = new double[]{ 2.51, 1.28 };
double[] p = new double[]{ -1.45, 8.27 };
double[] y = new double[2];

kernel.eval("some.packagename.SomeClassName", p, x, y);

We refer to IntegrationTest.java.


The main components of the system interact as follows:

Overview Architecture


To build the project and start developing, do

$ git clone git@github.com/DrStefanFriedrich/f2blib
$ cd f2blib
$ ./gradlew

To run the performance tests, do

$ ./gradlew -Dcom.github.drstefanfriedrich.f2blib.performancetest.enabled=true


Finance Mathematics/Life Insurances

Lets consider a life insurance contract with the following conditions:

Let K be the rounded down number of years when the policy holder dies. Then K is a probability variable. If we denote by v = 1/(1+i) the discounting factor, we get for the benefit B discounted to the beginning of the contract (+ means money will be paid into the insurance, - means you get money out from the insurance):

By using a well known formula for the geometric series, we get

Crucial in life insurances are mortality tables.

denotes the probability that an x year old dies within one year. The expression 101 - x in the formula above results from the fact that typical mortality tables will be cut off at the age of 101. Then

is the probability that an x year old lives exactly for another k years and then dies within one year.

A life insurance is considered to be fair, if and only if the expected value is zero, which leads to

From the above formula an expression for the annuity A can easily be deduced, which is left to the reader as an exercise. For the impatient, we refer to the package


under src/test/java.

Performance Tests

We carried out a few performance tests to demonstrate the capabilities of F2BLib.

The hardware used to perform the test was an ASUS notebook running Fedora 23 Linux with a 2.4 series kernel. The CPU of the notebook is a Intel Core i7-6700HQ with 2.6 GHz. We used JDK 11.0.4. The test setup was as follows: we executed the script performance-test.sh, analyzed the log file performance-test.log and calculated the Mean and Standard Deviation from here.

We performed the following test cases:

Test Case 1: BytecodeVisitorImplTest

On one thread a lot of ‘nonsense’ functions will be evaluated. This test case uses the bytecode visitor.

Test Case 2: EvalVisitorImplTest

Same as Test Case 1, but this time using the EvalVisitor.

Test Case 3: BytecodePerformanceTest

This test case uses two queues. One request queue and one response queue. One worker thread fills the request queue and a specified number of worker threads listen on the request queue, dequeue elements, process them, and write the result to the response queue. This test case uses the bytecode visitor.

Test Case 4: EvalPerformanceTest

Same as Test Case 3, but this time using the EvalVisitor.

Test Case 5: BytecodeLifeInsuranceVariantsTest

This test case starts a specified number of worker threads and executes on each thread a lot of different life insurances calculations. The bytecode visitor is used.

Test Case 6: EvalLifeInsuranceVariantsTest

Same as Test Case 5, but this time using the EvalVisitor.

Test Case 7: JavaLifeInsuranceVariantsTest

Same as Test Case 5, but this time using a plain Java implementation of the life insurance formula.

The result was as follows:

Test Case Duration (secs) Standard Deviation
BytecodeVisitorImplTest 2.095 0.02465
EvalVisitorImplTest 16.455 0.5356
BytecodePerformanceTest 1.852 0.05596
EvalPerformanceTest 32.948 1.904
BytecodeLifeInsuranceVariantsTest 0.3727 0.01523
EvalLifeInsuranceVariantsTest 58.300 2.682
JavaLifeInsuranceVariantsTest 0.3637 0.03246


Parser Generators

Here is a list of parser generators. We used the list during evaluation of the different frameworks.

We decided to use Antlr, because it is very well known and popular. In contrast, Xtext is much more powerful and has a lot of features we don’t need.

Bytecode Generation

Here is a list of Java bytecode generation frameworks. We used the list during evaluation of the different frameworks.

ByteBuddy as well as cglib extend ASM. ByteBuddy is optimized for runtime speed. ASM is very small, very fast, has no dependencies to other libraries, and is a low-level bytecode generation system. It also has a class called ASMifier which can transform arbitrary .class files to .java files containing all the ASM statements needed to reproduce the class. For the last reason we chose ASM.

Arithmetic Expression Evaluation

Here is a list of mathematical expression evaluation frameworks similar to this one:

Finance Mathematics


The project is published under the Eclipse Public License v2.0, which is online available at this URL.